Creating ‘Picture Perfect’ Family Photos

It’s the most wonderful time of year! Creating picture perfect family photos – the ones where your husband may be annoyed he’s wearing a stuffy shirt and your kids were screaming the entire way to the location – those photos!

Family photos are big for our family (here is last years!), and I cherish each year when we get together and capture our growth. It may seem like a chore, but I truly love seeing the transition of 365 days. And I know it’s actually important to a lot of others so I have broken down some tips (more here!) for keeping it fun, light hearted and authentic to you and your tribe!
I know 2020 has seemed a bit off, but we are not letting it get us down and especially not with capturing picture perfect family photos! Plus, we have to document all of the things before baby Summer arrives – so let’s do this!
1. Choose the right photographer
This step may seem obvious, but your photographer could make or break your family photo vision. It’s so important that you are comfortable with the them and vice versa. Check that they have experience working with kids and pick someone who’s editing style you love!

2. Plan your theme
Decide on your theme and location and then be sure to keep your location in mind when outfit planning. For example, buffalo plaid might feel a bit out of place if you’re taking fall photos in the desert. Think about the overall look and mood you want your photos to have. I always look to this for color palette options and I am telling you, it is SO helpful!

3. Pick your outfits
If you prefer to have a similar color palette as opposed to identical matching, then pick outfits for everyone based on what they like to wear. You want them to look nice, but you also want them to be comfortable and feel like themselves. It’s usually easiest to start with one outfit that is a definite “YES”, and then build the rest around that.

4. Be prepared
This might look different for everyone, but here are a couple general rules of thumb. Make sure everything is steamed, ironed, and set out the night before. This will save you the stress of finding socks or de-wrinkling a shirt the morning of. Bring plenty of snacks and water. Hangry children are not usually so cooperative. Use little snacks to keep their spirits up and dare I day bribe them if necessary.
5. Have fun!
Gone are the days of stiff family photos taken in front of a vinyl backdrop. I think we can all agree that the best photos are usually candid ones. Capturing everyone’s personality in a single photo can be near impossible, but candid photos make it a little easier. Joke, laugh, play, take a few deep breaths, and don’t stress too much!
I love these from past years: can you believe how much our babies have grown? The pregnancy hormones are kicking in…here come the water works! lol
Tag me in your photos so I can see how you styled your fam! If you need more picture perfect family photo inspo check out my previous posts and follow me on Pinterest! Happy Holiday season, Friends!

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